League Agains Intoxicants LAI - 100 year in 2004
Norsk (Norwegian)
About LAI Support LAI


Welcome to the English website of the League Against Intoxicants (LAI)

(Our Norwegian name: Forbundet Mot Rusgift - FMR).
On this website we present documents or links to documents which we think might be valuable to understand the drug situation in the world, in the family, within youth groups, and the relationship between the single individual, the society and the intoxicants.

Irish government voted 111 against 8 against legislation of cannabis

Claims of overrating the harmful effects, were not found trustworthy

" Cannabis use is associated with a range of physical and psychological harm, drug addiction, road traffic accidents, learning outcomes, reduced employment opportunities and relationship problems . Research published last year also shows that those who start using cannabis before the age of 18 are particularly susceptible to the damaging effects of cannabis, particularly neurop...
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Support LAI

The League Against Intoxicants (Forbundet Mot Rusgift in norwegian) of course welcomes support in the form of information, tips, experience and ideas from other parts of the world. If you want to contact us about that, you can do so by emailing us at post@fmr.no.

You can support the LAI by making a money donation width PayPal.


Support LAI
Forbundet Mot Rusgift, Torggata 1, 0181 Oslo, Norway, phone 23 21 45 26, fax 23 21 45 01, e-mail: post@fmr.no